Message from the Bishop

After several years of planning and consultation with area lay faithful, staff and clergy in our 11-county Diocese, I am pleased to announce the formation of The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Scranton.  It’s primary mission will be “to sustain and nurture the pastoral, educational and service ministries of our Diocese, our parishes, schools and organizations through endowments, planned gifts and other financial contributions.”

With a focus on planned giving and growing endowment funds, the Catholic Foundation will seek to build up the ministry of Christ in our local Church through long-term, sustainable support . This support will help secure the current and future mission of the Diocese – the same mission Jesus entrusted to the Apostles more than 2,000 years ago – announcing the Gospel, serving those in need, and celebrating the Sacraments.

Many Catholic dioceses in the United States have foundations that hold assets to support the work of the Catholic Church. Foundations have become the preferred giving method for benefactors who appreciate the transparent, professional management of the resources they donate.

The purpose of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Scranton is to “work with donors who wish to maximize their legacy of giving and pass their values along to the next generation of faithful Catholics. Through the Catholic Foundation, donors can provide meaningful and lasting impact to sustain our Diocesan organizations so they may always carry out their mission to meet spiritual and basic human needs.”

I invite you to join us in this transformational effort to secure the future of the Diocese and all its ministries. Through your generosity, we know the Catholic Foundation will ensure the Diocese of Scranton remains a compassionate and caring leader in spiritual formation and service to our brothers and sisters in Christ.